This will probably be one of my worse blogs ever. Why? Because I'm just going to be straight forward - BLUNT - on what I need to say about "Judging Others". You may judge me if you like - I give you permission :)
I think many have taken advantage of this situation, especially when President Dieter F. Uchtdorf presented his talk, The Merciful Obtain Mercy.
I think many have taken advantage of this situation, especially when President Dieter F. Uchtdorf presented his talk, The Merciful Obtain Mercy.
According to The Guide to the Scriptures - Judge, Judgment means:
"To evaluate behavior in relation to the principles of the gospel; to decide; to discern good from evil."
With that said - how do we do that without being accused of being judgmental to others? Believe me - I struggle with this - so don't think I have an answer for this particular question. We have heard it all, read it all, we "think" we know it all - but yet, we are still being accused of being a judgmental people. What if we were to say nothing? What would happen then? Are we to stay quiet because we don't want to be accused of being judgmental?
"Judge not, that ye not be judged"
(Matthew 7:1)
(Matthew 7:1)
Doug Towers shares his insight: "This sounds simple enough. But does this interpretation make sense? We actually want to be judged, or how do we go to be with God? We also want to be judged correctly by others. We like receiving credit where credit is due, for starters.
So obviously this would be better interpreted to say that we shouldn't judge with a condemning heart, so that we won't be judged by a condemning heart.
This could also be looked at to say that if we judge others with a condemning and unforgiving heart, that we will judge and condemn ourselves by the same standard: We won't really accept in our hearts that Christ's atonement can cleanse a person who has made errors (which includes ourselves).
As Christ stated: "...Forgive, and it shall be forgiven you" (Luke 6:37) or "Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matthew 6:12)
We will notice that others have done evil to us or others. Recognizing that others have done evil isn't a bad thing. How can we avoid doing evil ourselves if we don't know or recognize evil? But Christ is saying to forgive.
Christ warns, "but beware of men..." (Matt 10:16). He is saying to be wary of people in our dealings with them. This requires judgment.
So how do we judge righteous judgment?
Isaiah says in regard to Christ "...he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears." (Isaiah 11:3)
We have the tendency to judge people by their actions and words. Yet he is saying this isn't fair judgement. This then requires us to learn to judge by the intent of their heart and the perception in their mind. It is impossible to judge such a way without either an ability to see inside others or to use the Holy Ghost or both.
Moroni states the following: "For look, my brethren, it is given to you to judge, that you may know good from evil... so, I show to you the way to judge; for every thing which invites to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forward by the power and gift of Christ; so you may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God." (Moroni 7:15-16)
So Moroni is telling us how to judge. He's gone on in verse 17 to declare that those who subject themselves to the devil can be determined by the criteria of judgement he has set forth. Obviously, therefore, he hasn't regarded Christ's statement as posing that we don't judge people.
Either way I wish to stress again that the Holy Ghost is best used in any judgement we make and if our judgement is made with a view to helping others move on from mistakes, we will accept our mistakes with the same attitude. [close quote]
I think that was nicely said by Doug Towers. What concerns me the most is that some people are not standing up for what is right. Especially when asked. You're probably wondering - what do you mean by being asked? Haven't you noticed when people ask you a question and then you give them your opinion, they choose to get offended? I mean c'mon people. Would you rather have me lie? No, but I should be more kind about it - right? Well - I am. But when people choose to get offended - it's not kind at all. All of a sudden - the tables turn and you're the bad guy. Yes - I am talking about Social Media People!
The point of this blog is perhaps we are getting too offended and we are too quick to tell others they're being judgmental. Isn't that also being a judgmental person? Aaah, you see how that works both ways? I was recently told that I was not "Christlike" for not giving a helping hand to someone who is going through poverty. This individual posted a donation site where you're able to donate money electronically and whomever would like to help - they can help. This isn't the first time I've seen this. There was another time when a "couple" needed money for their son to go on a mission. Do you see where this is going? These are people who claim to be from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yes, this is the church I go to. The true Church of Jesus Christ.
Am I saying these people are absolutely lying? No. I am not. What I'm saying is that there is better ways on doing this. The Church itself provides help for those who are in need. This is why we give Fast Offerings. I find it interesting when I try to give them advice about this, they begin to say negative and mean things about the Bishop or church members. Basically saying they're new to the church and are being treated as if they're not wanted and that they don't want to help them. I'm truly very suspicious about that because - how is it that everyone doesn't like you and doesn't want to help? You mean to tell me that the Stake President doesn't like you either? I've even asked them if I can get their address and phone number to the church they reside at so I can help them through their leaders. Do I get a response? Nope! I sure don't. So what does that tell you? Am I being judgmental? Well of course I am. This is a judgement I have to make. Is it righteous or unrighteous? The point is that we need to take precautions. We can't make foolish judgments and say, "Okay, how much do you need?"
Look, if you want to give people money electronically, by all means, more power to you. That there is TRUE FAITH! I am sure God will bless you for it. As for me, I cannot take that chance. I have a family to provide and I'm barely making it myself. Giving money electronically is a no no for me. There is too much fraudulent going on in this world. I can't risk to give my debit/credit card number online to people I just don't know. Sorry. It's my choice, my agency and well you have yours.

I truly encourage you to read his talk. It will help you discern how to make righteous judgments.
Well then - I hope I didn't offend thee. I'm a very straight forward guy. I tell it like it is, and I'm sorry if you do not agree with this blog. It's okay if you don't - I'm actually waiting to be judged LOL
Click here if video doesn't work: Developing Good Judgment and Not Judging Others
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