Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pray for America

"IF the prophets do start speaking out like this video suggests, it will be the last public thing they do before they are rounded up and arrested and the Church is driven underground. The First Presidency has been conspicuously silent and careful since the second Gulf War/invasion. I noticed President Hinkley's careful choice of words about America's invasion of Iraq during the subsequent general conference, which, in conjunction with a number of other subtleties of the time and since, tell me very clearly that the leaders of the Church are being watched by the US government and are having to walk a fine line between telling us what we need to know and being labeled as a terrorist organisation/unpatriotic and getting shut down.

"This is probably the main reason why the general conference talks have been so weak, warm-fuzzy and empty of solid/sound doctrine since 1991.

"Starting in the mid-late 80's there was a rapid and noticeable shift in the quality and content of general conference talks. They are NOT what they used to be.

"The First Presidency won't have time to announce things are about to go pear-shaped - it will happen so quickly. They have urged us for DECADES to prepare NOW for what is coming SOON, and we do NOTHING. We must prepare as quickly as possible to function without their direct leadership.

"We don't have much time left to prepare."

(written by Kay Dar, March of 2018)

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