Sunday, May 4, 2014

Teachings of the Creation

I would like to share something I found a couple of years ago. When we discuss the seven days of creation we may think of it simply as a story telling us of the creation of the earth, but it is really so much more than that. It is a lesson to teach of us. We must all personally go through the seven days of creation.

The First Day:
On the first day the Lord created the light and the darkness. What does this mean for us? We must each first learn to discern the light from the darkness. Elder Holland once said this is the biggest concern the brethren have regarding the members of the Church today. We are creating more and more of a grey area in our standards. With media, modesty etc. So we must discern the light from the darkness and know that's all there is black and white, nothing in between.

The Second Day:
On the second day the Lord created the waters. When reading in Abraham it tells us that the water obeyed God. Without fail it obeyed. We look at countless examples of this throughout scriptures. The parting of the sea, the brother of Jared and his people being guided along the waters to the promised land, Christ calming the storm at sea etc. We could go on and on. This is the second thing we must do. We must become as the water and obey the Master without fail or hesitation after we have discerned the light from the dark.

The Third Day:
Day three is the first appearance of dry ground. In Abraham chapter 4 it describes the seeds growing and also again obeying. The instruction this gives us is that if we are planted firmly in the right environment, we shall grow and become what our Father in heaven has meant for us to become.

The Fourth Day:
On the fourth day the sun, moon and stars are created. The sun being described as the greater light and the moon as the lesser light. We are to follow the Sun which is representation of the Son of God. We are like the moon, capable of lighting the dark and becoming like our Father in heaven and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Fifth Day:
On the fifth day the Lord created man and all creatures. At the end of Abraham 4:25 it says "and God knew they would obey". After we have gone through days one through four and have been tried and have endured those trials obediently continually growing in the gospel, then will our Father in heaven [know] he can trust us to obey without fail.

The Sixth Day:
On the sixth day there is continuation of the creation of man and animals, but in verses 30-31 of Abraham it says that they were very obedient. Not just casually obedient, or obedient when we felt like it but we must be stalwart in following the Savior.

The Seventh Day:
And finally the seventh day. We all know as the day of rest. We've always compared this keeping the Sabbath day holy but if you read D&C 84:24 you will find it has a much deeper meaning. Day of Rest = Fulness of God's Glory! How cool is that? After we have faithfully experienced these "6 days" in our lives we will come to know the fullness of God's Glory!

Elder Nelson explains the creation and it's importance.

Click here if video doesn't work: The Creation

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