Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Follow the Prophet featuring the Book of Mormon Prophets

Lehi was a prophet. He dwelt in a tent.
Tried to warn his city, but they would not repent.
God made a special compass to guide them on their way.
It led them by their faith to the promised land to stay.

Nephi was a prophet, faithful as a boy.
He did many hard things and trusted in the Lord.
He went and got the brass plates, made tools and built a boat.
He wrote books of scripture, from them we often quote.

Enos was a prophet, went hunting all alone,
Knelt in mighty prayer and prayed the whole day long.
A Voice came unto Enos, repentance was his goal.
Thy sins are all forgiven. Thy faith hath made thee whole.

Benjamin was a prophet and a righteous king,
Humbly served his people and taught them precious things.
When ye are in the service of your fellow men,
You're only serving God--like good king Benjamin.

Abinadi was a prophet. He testified in chains
To the wicked Noah. His efforts were in vain.
His words made Noah angry and so it was too late.
Condemned to death by fire is how he met his fate.

Alma was a prophet, believed Abinadi.
He escaped into the wilderness to hide.
There he preached the Gospel to those who came to hear;
Baptized many souls in waters that were near.

Helaman was a prophet, concerned for liberty,
Commander of the armies to keep the Nephites free.
He led the stripling warriors, courageously they fought.
They were all preserved. By their mothers they were taught.

Samuel was a prophet, a righteous Lamanite,
Stood upon a wall and testified with might.
He prophesied destruction if they did not repent.
Their arrows could not hit him--then we don't know where he went.

Mormon was a prophet. He abridged the plates.
Tried to save his people, but it was too late.
He led the Nephite army up to Cumorah's hill,
Fought the final battles and there the plates concealed.

Ether was a prophet, the last great Jaredite.
Keeper of the records, their hist'ry he did write.
They came across the waters, in barges --there were eight.
The Lord touched stones to light them, and blessed them on their way.

Moroni was prophet, the last Nephite to write
In the Book of Mormon and there he did invite
All who read its pages to ask if it is true.
The Holy Ghost will witness its truth to me and you.

by Joan Elizabeth Cahoon Yarrington

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